
ウマノスズクサ科カンアオイ属の多年草で、学名は Asarum senkakuinsulare (syn. Heterotropa senkakuinsularis)。英名はありません。
The "Senkaku-aoi" (Asarum senkakuinsulare) belongs to Aristolochiaceae (the Birthwort family). It is a perennial herb that is endemic to Japan and is distributed only on Uotsuri Island in the Senkaku Islands. It grows in mountain forests and can reach 10 to 20 cm in height. The leaves are ovate-cordate to broad-ovate-round, with a slightly rounded tip. The surface of the leaf is glossy and dark green and the back is light green. The pale purple flowers come in February to April. The flowers have no petals and have calyxes that look like flowers. The calyx is cylindrical and the tip of the calyx is split into three. Another name is "Senkaku-kan-aoi". It is designated as Critically Endangered (Extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the very near future) on the Ministry of the Environment Red List.