
トウダイグサ科トウダイグサ属の一年草で、学名は Euphorbia heterophylla。英名は Mexican fireplant。
The Mexican fireplant (Euphorbia heterophylla) belongs to Euphorbiaceae (the Spurge family). It is an anuual herb that is native from the southern Unite States to Mexico and to much of Central America. This herb can reach 30-70 cm in height. The stems are erect and and little branched. The leaves are dark green and mainly 2-4 lobed. The cyathia are borne on the stalk apices and are yellowish green in summer. They have no petals and are covered with red to pale rose pink bracts. The poisonous white sap ooze when breaked a stem and leaf cause a skin irritation.
[上・中1〜3] 千葉県香取市大角にて、2010年08月25日撮影。 [中4〜中6] 同上にて、2011年08月09日撮影。 [下] アメリカ・テキサス州オースティン市にて、2008年08月02日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)