しかくい (四角藺) [Index] [Back]

Eleocharis wichurae

Eleocharis wichurae

Eleocharis wichurae

Eleocharis wichurae

Eleocharis wichurae

Eleocharis wichurae

わが国の各地をはじめ、朝鮮半島や中国、ロシアの極東地方に分布しています。山地から平地の日当たりのよい湿地に生え、密に叢生して、高さは30〜50センチになります。桿は太くて横断面は4稜、やや目立ちます。7月から10月ごろ、茎の先端に小穂を一つだけつけます。小穂は長さ1〜2.5センチの長楕円形で、多数の鱗片が螺旋状に並び、緑色から錆色を帯びます。中国語では「羽毛荸荠(yu mao bi qi)」と呼ばれます。
カヤツリグサ科ハリイ属の多年草で、学名は Eleocharis wichurae。英名はありません。
The "Shikaku-i" (Eleocharis wichurae) belongs to Cyperaceae (the Sedge family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed throughout Japan, the Korean Peninsula, China, and the Far East region of Russia. It grows in sunny, marshy areas from mountains to plains, in dense clusters, 30-50 cm tall. The thick, four-edged, somewhat conspicuous cross section of the culm produces a single spikelet at the tip of the stem from July to October. The spikelet is 1 to 2.5 cm long, oblong, with numerous scales arranged in a spiral pattern, and green to rust-colored. In Chinese, it is called "羽毛荸荠" (yu mao bi qi).

Shu Suehiro