
コバノイシカグマ科フモトシダ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Microlepia x matsumotoi。英名はありません。
The "Shimoda-kaguma" (Microlepia x matsumotoi) belongs to Dennstaediaceae (the Bracken family). It is an evergreen fern that is thought to be an interspecific hybrid between the "Odoriko-kaguma" (Microlepia izupeninsulae) and the "Fumoto-kaguma" (Microlepia pseudostrigosa). The position of the sorus is more medial than in the "Odoriko-kaguma" and the upper surface of the midrib is slightly hairy. In Kanagawa Prefecture, it was first discovered in Odawara City in 2015. (From the Flora of Kanagawa Prefecture 2018)