
ナス科ナス属の多年草で、学名は Solanum melongena var. pumilio。英名は White eggplant、Eggplant。
The White eggplant (Solanum melongena var. pumilio) belongs to Solanaceae (the Eggplant family). It is a perennial herb that is a variety of "Eggplant" native to Asia. In the eastern part of the United States, it seems that it was cultivated for decoration rather than edible. Purple flowers bloom in summer. The fruit will be about 15 cm in size, changing from ivory to vibrant yellow. For edible, it is harvested after ripening yellow.
[上・中1〜2] 大阪府交野市「大阪市大付属植物園」にて、2004年07月17日撮影。 [中3〜5・下] 福岡市中央区「福岡市植物園」にて、2017年10月06日撮影。