しろばなはくさんちどり (白花白山千鳥) [Index] [Back]

Orchis aristata f. albiflora

Orchis aristata f. albiflora

ラン科ハクサンチドリ属の多年草で、学名は Orchis aristata f. albiflora。英名はありません。 
"Shirobana-hakusan-chidori" (Orchis aristata f. albiflora) belongs to Orchidaceae (the Orchid family). It is a perennial herb that is a formy of "Hakusan-chidori" distributed from the Chubu region of Honshu and northward to Hokkaido in Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula and the North Pacific region. It grows in marshes in the mountainous to alpine zones and is 10 to 40 cm tall. It has broadly linear, alternate leaves, and produces flowers in racemes from June to August. It is characterized by its white flowers. 
[上] 宮城県蔵王町「南蔵王」にて、2020年06月20日撮影。
[下] 岩手県八幡平市「八幡平」にて、2021年07月25日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro