
テングタケ科テングタケ属のキノコ類で、学名は Amanita virgineoides。英名は False virgin's lepidella。
The False virgin's lepidella (Amanita virgineoides) belongs to Amanitaceae (the Amanita family). It is a fungi that is distributed to Japan, as well as the southern Korean Peninsula and China. This fungi grwos in forest floors of Japanese red pine, oak or quercus from summer to fall. The pileus is white and covered with numerous conical volval remnants. The stipe is also white, swollen clavate at the base and covered with conical volval remnants. This fungi is extremely-poisonous.
[上・中1] 愛知県豊橋市岩崎町「葦毛湿原」にて、2007年10月05日撮影。 [中2・下] 千葉県香取市大角にて、2011年08月03日撮影。