
ウラボシ科エゾデンダ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Polypodium punctatum cv. Grandiceps (syn. Microsorum punctatum cv. Grandiceps)。英名は Terrestrial elkhorn fern、Crested fern。
The Terrestrial elkhorn fern (Polypodium punctatum cv. Grandiceps) belongs to the family Polypodiaceae. It is an evergreen fern that is a gardening variety of Elkhorn fern distributed from Taiwan and the southern part of China to Australia and West Africa. The leaves are lanceolate, the tips are finely divided into combs and the height is about 1 meter. The sori are dot-like and scattered on the back of upper leaves. It is distributed as potted plants and flower materials in Japan.
[上・中1〜2] 福岡市中央区「福岡市植物園」にて、2017年10月06日撮影。 [中3・下] 東京都新宿区「新宿御苑」にて、2019年12月24日撮影。