しろやまぜんまい (城山薇)

Osmunda banksiifolia

Osmunda banksiifolia

Osmunda banksiifolia

ゼンマイ科ゼンマイ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Osmunda banksiifolia。英名はありません。
The "Shiroyama-zenmai" (Osmunda banksiifolia) belongs to Osmundaceae (the Osmund fern family). It is a summer-green fern that is distributed to Shizuoka prefecture, Wakayama prefecture in Honshu and Kyushu in Japan. It grows in moist areas in the forest, and its leaves are about 1.5 m long. The leaves are single-pinnate compound, and the pinnae have large serrations. The sorus (sporangium group) is borne on the several pairs of pinnae below the center. The Japanese name is associated with Shiroyama, Kagoshima Prefecture, where it was first discovered. Also, it seems that young shoots are not edible.

Shu Suehiro