
ヨーロッパに広く分布している「ヨーロッパぶな(Fagus sylvatica)」の枝垂れ品種です。高さは9〜15メートルになり、枝は枝垂れて、地面に着くほどになります。夏のあいだは、光沢のある濃緑色の葉が茂り、こんもりとした樹形となります。葉は卵形から楕円形で互生し、鋸歯があります。4月から5月ごろ目立たない花をつけ、9月から10月には莢果が割れて種子がのぞきます。この種子は、リスや大きな鳥の好物です。
ブナ科ブナ属の落葉高木で、学名は Fagus sylvatica f. pendula。英名は Weeping European beech。
The Weeping European beech (Fagus sylvatica f. pendula) belongs to Fagaceae (the Beech family). It is a tall deciduous tree that is a weeping variety of "European beech" that is widely distributed in Europe. It can reach 9 to 15 m in height, with branches weeping and reaching the ground. During the summer, shiny dark green leaves grow thickly and the tree shape becomes thick. The leaves are ovate to elliptic and alternate and have serrated teeth. The flowers are inconspicuous bloom from April to May, and the pods are cracked and the seeds are peeked from September to October. This seed is a favorite of squirrels and large birds.