
ナス科ナス属の一年草で、学名は Solanum sisymbrifolium。英名は Wild tomato、Sticky nightshade。
The Wild tomato (Solanum sisymbrifolium) belongs to Solanaceae (the Nightshade family). It is an annual herb that is a member of the "tomato" native to South Africa, it is a weed that grows on cultivated land. This herb was introduced by the British Army during the Boer Wars (1899-1902) as a plant that is harmful to horse fodder. It is now spread all over the world, but it is not well understood biologically. It is about 90 cm high and has sharp orange spines on its stems and veins. The bluish white flowers come in summer and fall, but the bright yellow stamens stand out. After the flowers, fruits are formed and ripen red.