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Annona purpurea

Annona purpurea

Annona purpurea

Annona purpurea

Annona purpurea

バンレイシ科バンレイシ属の落葉小高木で、学名は Annona purpurea。英名は Soncoya、Sincuya。 
The Soncoya (Annona purpurea) belongs to Annonaceae (the Custard apple family). It is a semi-tall deciduous tree that is distributed from Mexico to Central America and northern South America. It mainly grows in moist tropical biomes and is 6 to 10 m tall. The leaves are oblong, entire, leathery and thin, and are arranged alternately. The solitary flowers with long peduncles droop from the leaf axils. The flowers are pale pink and fragrant. The fruit is an aggregate fruit that looks like a single fruit, with a diameter of 15 to 20 cm. The flesh is yellow to orange in color and sweet, and is used for fresh consumption and in juice. The fruit is not of a high quality, and has not been widely cultivated. 

Shu Suehiro