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Sophora affinis

Sophora affinis

Sophora affinis

マメ科クララ属の落葉小高木で、学名は Sophora affinis。英名は Texas sophora。
The Texas sophora (Sophora affinis) belongs to Fabaceae (the Pea family). It is a semi-tall deciduous tree that is native to the central-southern United States, Arkansas and Louisiana west to Oklahoma and Texas. This tree grows on moist soils along streams and on limestone hills, and can reach about 9 m in height. The barks are gray-brown, thin and becoming furrowed. The leaves are pinnately compound with 13-19 elliptic leaflets. The papilionacenous, white tinged with pink flowers bloom in early spring. The fruits are black leathery pods and maturing in summer.
アメリカ・テキサス州「フォートワース植物園」にて、2007年09月16日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro