
ニュージーランドの南島が原産です。茎はほとんど平滑で、ジグザグに分岐し、高さは2メートル以上になります。葉は奇数羽状複葉で、小さな丸い小葉がつきます。7月から11月ごろ、黄色い花をいくつか咲かせます。園芸品種に「リトルボーイ(cv. Little Baby)」があり、盆栽に使われます。
マメ科クララ属の常緑小低木で、学名は Sophora prostrata。英名は Dwarf kowhai。
The Dwarf kowhai (Sophora prostrata) belongs to Fabaceae (the Pea family). It is a small deciduous shrub that is native to South Island of New Zealand. This shrub has fairly smooth, zigzag divaricating stems and grows up to 2 m in height. The leaves are odd-pinnate compound with small round leaflets. The several yellow flowers bloom July to November. There is a cultiver 'Little Baby', and is used as a Bonsai tree.