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Iris xiphium

Iris xiphium

Iris xiphium

Iris xiphium

Iris xiphium

Iris xiphium

Iris xiphium

アヤメ科アヤメ属の多年草で、学名は Iris xiphium。英名は Spanish iris。 
The Spanish iris (Iris xiphium) belongs to Iridaceae (the Iris family). It is a perennial herb that is native to Spain, Portugal, southwestern France and southern Italy. It is also known as a small bulbous iris. This iris can reach up to 80 cm in height. The grayish-green leaves are linear, emarge in fall and die after the flowers fade. The blue, violet, white or yellow flowers are around 6 cm across, and bloom in May and June. A popular hybrid (Iris tingitana × Iris xiphium) is known as Dutch iris. 
[上] ポルトガル・アルガルヴェ地方カストロマリンにて、2016年01月24日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)
[中1・中2] 同上にて、2016年02月11日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)
[中3〜5・下] 茨城県つくば市「つくば実験植物園」にて、2024年05月11日撮影。

Shu Suehiro