
ミツバウツギ科ミツバウツギ属の落葉低木で、学名は Staphylea pinnata。英名は European bladdernut。
The European bladdernut (Staphylea pinnata) belongs to the family Staphyleaceae. It is a small deciduous tree that is distributed in central-eastern and southeastern Europe and the Caucasus. It grows in broadleaf forests and at forest margins, and can grow up to 6 m tall. It has odd pinnate compound leaves with 5 to 7 ovate to oblong leaflets. It produces small white, bell-shaped, fragrant flowers in drooping panicles from May to June. The fruit is a capsule that ripens from September to November. The seeds are edible and taste like pistachios.
クロアチア・プリトヴィッツェ「湖群国立公園」にて、2012年04月30日撮影。(photo by Aya Suehiro)