
マツ科マツ属の常緑高木で、学名は Pinus strobus。英名は White pine、Eastern white pine。
The White pine (Pinus strobus) belongs to Pinaceae (the Pine family). It is a tall evergreen tree that is distributed from Newfoundland to Manitoba in Canada south to Georgia in the United States. This tree can reach 30-60 m in height. The timbers are used for architectures and furnitures. It is also planted in cold climates, Hokkaido in Japan. The barks are grayish-brown and turn into scaly ridges when aged. The leaves are glossy and five per bundle. The flowers bloom in May. The fruits are strobiles 10-15 cm long.
[上・中1〜2・下] 群馬県安中市「小根山森林公園」にて、2009年01月25日撮影。 [中3〜中5] アメリカ・ニューヨーク州「ニューヨーク植物園」にて、2004年03月18日撮影。