スティリディウム・デビレ [Index] [Back]

Stylidium debile

Stylidium debile

Stylidium debile

Stylidium debile

スティリディウム科スティリディウム属の一年草で、学名は Stylidium debile。英名は Triggerplant。
The Triggerplant (Stylidium debile) belongs to the family Stylidiaceae. It is an annual herb that is endemic to the coastal areas in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. This herb grows sandy or silty clay soils on creekbanks or in swampy areas, and up to a height of 15-30 cm. The leaves are oblaneolate or obovate and form a basal rosette. The 1-2 scapes per plant are borne and the small pink flowers bloom in the inflorescences year-round in their native range. The unique feature of this plant is that the flower possesses an appendage consists of female and male sexual organs. This appendage is set aside when it's ready to pollinate. When a pollinator visits the flower, this appendage knocks on the back of the pollinator, covering it with pollens.

Shu Suehiro