すだち (酸橘)

Citrus sudachi

Citrus sudachi

Citrus sudachi

Citrus sudachi

Citrus sudachi

ミカン科ミカン属の常緑低木で、学名は Citrus sudachi。英名は Sudachi。 
The Sudachi (Citrus sudachi) belongs to Rutaceae (the Citrus family). It is an evergreen shrub that is native to Japan and is a closely related species of "Yuzu" (Citrus junos). It has been used as edible vinegar for a long time, and its etymology is "Su-tachibana" (vinegar tachibana)". The main production area is Tokushima Prefecture, but it seems that there is a log in the back mountain of Oo-asahiko Shrine in Naruto City. From May to June, white five-petaled flowers bloom on the axils of the branches. The fruits ripen orange-yellow in winter, but when used as a flavoring, the green ones are harvested from August to September. 
[上・中1] 大阪府四條畷市清滝中町にて、2006年05月27日撮影。
[中3] 同上にて、2006年11月23日撮影。
[中2] 静岡県浜松市「浜名湖花博」にて、2004年09月19日撮影。
[下] 岐阜県可児市「花フェスタ記念公園」にて、2003年01月26日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro