
マメ科ソラマメ属の二年草で、学名は Vicia hirsuta。英名は Hairy tare、Tiny vetch。
The Hairy tare (Vicia hirsuta) belongs to Faaceae (the Pea family). It is a biennial herb that is distributed widely from Hanshu to Shikoku, Kyushu in Japan, and the Eurasia through northen Africa. This herb grows in suuny fields and climbs up adjacent plants by tendrils. The stem is much-branched at base. The leaves are pari-pinnate compound with 6-7 pairs of leaflets. The flowers come in axils from April to June. They are small, white-purple and papilionacenous with peduncles.
[上・下] 茨城県神栖市柳川にて、2008年05月25日撮影。 [中1] 岡山県柵原町宮山にて、2004年04月22日撮影。 [中2] 大阪府交野市「大阪市大付属植物園」にて、2003年04月19日撮影。