
ユリ科スイセン属の多年草で、学名は Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis。英名は Chinese sacred lily、Japanese daffodils。
The host species is "Bunchflower daffodil" (Narcissus tazetta var. tazetta), which is native to the Mediterranean coast. It came to Japan from China before the Muromachi period (about 700 year ago), and is now wild in various places. The Izu Peninsula, Awaji Island, and Echizen Cape are famous as their own habitats. It is about 20 to 30 cm high and blooms fragrant flowers from December to February. It is also known as "Japanese daffodils" in Japan.
[上・中1〜3] 静岡県浜松市「浜松市フラワーパーク」にて、2004年02月01日撮影。 [中4・下] 兵庫県南淡町「灘黒岩水仙郷」にて、2004年02月08日撮影。