
Sutera pinnatifida

Sutera pinnatifida

ゴマノハグサ科ステラ属の多年草で、学名は Sutera pinnatifida。英名はありません。
The Sutera pinnatifida belongs to Scrophulariaceae (the Figwort family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed to South Africa. This herb can reach about 30 cm in height, and the stem is much branched and woody or wiry. The leaves are elliptic or obovate, pinnatifid or pinnatisect, and measured 3-6 mm long. The flowers are white, yellow, scarlet, crimson or very deep lake color, and measured 8-12 mm long. The fruits are ovate-oblong capsule, 4-8 mm long.

Shu Suehiro