すずかかんあおい (鈴鹿寒葵) [Index] [Back]

Asarum rigescens var. brachypodion

Asarum rigescens var. brachypodion

Asarum rigescens var. brachypodion

ウマノスズクサ科カンアオイ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Asarum rigescens var. brachypodion (syn. Heterotropa nipponica var. brachypodion)。英名はありません。
The "Suzuka-kan-aoi" (Asarum rigescens var. brachypodion) belongs to Aristolochiaceae (the Birthwort family). It is a perennial herb that is an endemic species to Japan, and is found in Shiga, Mie, Aichi, Gifu and Shizuoka prefectures. It grows on the forest floor of evergreen broad-leaved forests, and grows to a height of around 10 cm. The leaves are narrow heart-shaped to heart-shaped, and are dark green in color, either with cloud-like patterns or plain. There are also white spots or white dots on the surface. From December to February, it produces flowers that are dark purple to brownish-red in color. The calyx tube is short and cylindrical, and the three sepal lobes are long and triangular, longer and larger than the calyx tube.

Shu Suehiro