ƒTƒgƒCƒ‚‰ÈƒUƒ[ƒ“ƒ\ƒE‘®‚Ì‘½”N‘‚ÅAŠw–¼‚Í Symplocarpus foetidus var. latissimusB‰p–¼‚Í‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
The "Zazen-so" (Symplocarpus foetidus var. latissimus) belongs to Araceae (the Arum family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed in Hokkido to the Japan Sea Side of Honshu in Japan and as well as the Korean Peninsula, Amur and Sakhalin. This herb grows in marshes and can reach 20 cm in height. The spadix covered with dark red-purple spathe come in March to May. The Japanese name "Zazen-so" (Buddist monk under sitting Zen meditaion grass) is derived from spadix with spathe.