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Asplenium trichomanes

Asplenium trichomanes

Asplenium trichomanes

Asplenium trichomanes

わが国の本州、宮城県以南から四国・九州、それに世界中の温帯に広く分布しています。山地の岩上、里山の石垣などに着生します。葉柄は紫褐色で光沢があり、葉身よりも短いです。葉身は線状披針形の単羽状複葉で、長さ15〜25センチ、斜卵形または扇状楕円形の羽片が20対ほどつきます。胞子嚢群(ソーラス)は羽片に6〜8個つきます。台湾華語では「鐵角蕨」、中国語では「鉄角蕨(tie jiao jue)」と呼ばれます。
チャセンシダ科チャセンシダ属の常緑性シダで、学名は Asplenium trichomanes。英名は Maidenhair spleenwort。 
The Maidenhair spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes) belongs to Aspleniaceae (the Spleenworts family). It is an evergreen fern that is distributed to Miyagi Prefecture of Honshu, south to Shikoku and Kyushu, and widely temperate regions around the world. This fern grows on rocks in the mountains and on stone walls in Satoyama areas where farmland meets the forest. The petiole is purplish brown and shiny, shorter than the leaf blade. The leaf blade is a linear lanceolate, single winged compound leaf, 15 to 25 cm in length, and has about 20 pairs of slanted ovate or fan-shaped elliptic pinnae. There are 6 to 8 sori (sporangia) on each pinna. In Taiwanese, it is called "鐵角蕨", and in Chinese, it is called "鉄角蕨" (tie jiao jue).

Shu Suehiro