
地中海の東岸から小アジアが原産です。亜高山帯から高山帯に生え、高さは10センチほどになります。早春に、土の中から蕾をのぞかせ小さな花を咲かせます。花は、明るいピンク色の花披片で中心部が白色です。和名では「ゆきげゆり(雪解百合)」と呼ばれますが、スイスの植物学者ボアシエ(Edmond Boissier)が雪解けのなかに咲いているのを見つけたことに因みます。
ユリ科チオノドクサ属の多年草で、学名は Chionodoxa luciliae。英名は Glory of the snow。
The Glory of the snow (Chionodoxa luciliae) belongs to Liliaceae (the Lily family). It is a perennial herb that is native to the eastern coastal area of the Mediterranean Sea and Asia Minor. This herb grows in sub-alpine to alpine area and can reach about 10 cm in height. It is borne small buds from the ground in early spring. The flowers are pale pink with whitish center. They peep into bloom sometimes before the snow has completely disappeared. It is called "Yukige-yuri" in Japanese name, but it is named after the Swiss botanist Edmond Boissier found it blooming in the thaw.