
バラ科サクラ属の落葉低木で、学名は Prunus virginiana。英名は Common chokecherry、Bitter-berry。
The Common chokeberry (Prunus virginiana) belongs to Rosaceae (the Rose family). It is a small deciduous tree that is widely distributed in central North America, from southern Canada to the central United States. It grows along the forest edges and mountain streams in the mountains and is about 6 m high. The bark is brown or gray and can be smooth or scaly. The leaves are elliptic and alternate, with sharp serrations on the edges. In late spring, brush-like racemes are borne on the tips of the branches, and white flowers with a sweet fragrance bloom. The fruits are drupes and ripen from dark red to black in summer. It is also called "bitter-berry" because of the astringent acidity of the fruit.