ちゅうごくあおみつば (中国青三葉)

Sanicula caerulescens

Sanicula caerulescens

Sanicula caerulescens

中国の中南部、重慶から四川省、雲南省が原産です。湿った山地の林に生え、高さは40センチほどになります。根生葉は、心形状卵形で、掌状に3〜5裂するか3出葉、紫がかった葉柄かあります。花序は亜総状、ときに束になった数個の散形花序で、3月から7月ごろ、白色から淡青色、青色がかった紫色の花を咲かせます。果実は球状または楕円体の双懸果で、およそ2ミリ、短くて真っ直ぐな棘毛で被われます。中国語では「天藍変豆菜(tian lan bian dou cai)」と呼ばれます。
セリ科ウマノミツバ属の多年草で、学名は Sanicula caerulescens。英名は Blue sanicle。
The Blue sanicle (Sanicula caerulescens) belongs to Apiaceae (the Carrot family). It is a perennial herb that is native to central-southern China, from Chongqing to Sichuan and Yunnan. This herb grows in moist mountain woodlands and can reach about 40 cm in height. The basal leaves are cordate-ovate, palmately 3-5-parted or trifoliolate with purplish petioles. The Inflorescence is subracemose, sometimes several umbels in fascicles, and blooms white, pale blue to bluish purple flowers from March to July. The fruit is globose or ellipsoid cremocarp, about 2 mm, covered with short and straight spinous-bristles. It is called "天藍変豆菜" (tian lan bian dou cai) in Chinese.

Shu Suehiro