
ナデシコ科ナデシコ属の多年草で、学名は Dianthus carthusianorum。英名は Carthusian pink。
The Carthusian pink (Dianthus carthusianorum) belongs to Caryophyllaceae (the Carnation family). It is a perennial herb that is native to Europe. This herb grows in dry grassy and stony places. open woods, to 2500 m elevation in mountains, and can reach about 60 cm in height. The leaves are linear and arranged in opposite. The deep pink to purple flowers bloom in dence clusters from May to August. The calyx and epicalyx-scales are purplish brown, and the scales are half as long as the calyx.
スイス・ベルン州グリンデルワルトにて、2008年06月17日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)