
ビワモドキ科ビワモドキ属の常緑低木で、学名は Dillenia suffruticosa。英名は Shrubby dillenia、Simpoh air。
The Shrubby dillenia (Dillenia suffruticosa) belongs to Dilleniaceae (the Dillenia family). It is a small evergreen tree that is distributed to the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo. This tree grows in moist forest edges and swampy areas and can reach 5-10 m in height. Leaves are elliptic to ovate 15-30 cm in length, and cabbage-like with slightly toothed edges. They are used to wrap food. Racemes of large yellow flowers 8-12 cm across are seen on the terminal stems. Fruits are round and dehiscent when ripen, carpels are spreading. It is called "Simpoh" in Malay language.