
アオギリ科ドムベヤ属の常緑低木で、学名は Dombeya burgessiae。英名は Pink wild pear、Pink dombeya。
The Pink wild pear (Dombeya burgessiae) belongs to Sterculiaceae (the Sterculia family). It is a small evergreen tree that is distributed east and south Africa. This tree grows on hillsides, forest margins and stream banks, and can reach 2-4 m in height. It is much-branced at underpart of the trunk and forming shrub. Leaves are circular-cordate with lobes and velvety hairs, reminiscent of grape leaves. From late summer to early winter, pink to white scented flowers are born in spherical clusters which droop down from the axils.
[上・下] オーストラリア・シドニー市「タロンガ動物園」にて、2006年12月14日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji) [中1] 大阪市鶴見区「咲くやこの花館」にて、2004年01月23日撮影。 [中2] 大阪府河内長野市「花の文化園」にて、2006年11月21日撮影。