
Dubautia menziesii

Dubautia menziesii

Dubautia menziesii

Dubautia menziesii

キク科ドゥバウティア属の常緑小低木で、学名は Dubautia menziesii。英名は Mountain dubautia、Kupaoa。
The genus Dubautia is a plant endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. It is closely related to "Haleakala silversword" (Argyroxiphium sandwicense), and 23 species and 6 interspecific hybrids are distributed on major islands. This species grows on rocky gravel and grasslands at an altitude of 1800 to 3075 m in the eastern part of Maui, and is about 2.5 m high. The stems are strong and stiff, and the leaves are lanceolate to lanceolate ovate, three whorled, opposite or alternate. The length of the leaf blade is about 5 cm, and has conspicuous trinerve, and covered with fine hairs. From July to December, the flower heads consisting of 12 to 25 small yellow tubular flowers come on the axils of the branches.

Shu Suehiro