
タコノキ科タコノキ属の常緑小高木で、学名は Pandanus boninensis。英名はありません。
"Takono-ki" (Pandanus boninensis) belongs to Pandanaceae (the Screwpine family). It is a small evergreen tree that is native to the Ogasawara Islands of Japan. This tree grows in sunny arid places and can reach 4-12 m in height. It is sparingly branched and has many thick aerial roots. The leaves are narrow ensiform, tough and leathery with spines on the edges and the reverse side veins. Inconspicuous flowers come on the terminal spadix in summer. The fruits ripen yellow-red and edible.
[上] 静岡県南伊豆町下賀茂「下賀茂熱帯植物園」にて、2007年02月16日撮影。 [中1・中2] 京都府宇治市「宇治市植物公園」にて、2004年12月07日撮影。 [下] 大阪市鶴見区「咲くやこの花館」にて、2005年02月03日撮影。