
ミクリ科ミクリ属の多年草で、学名は Sparganium glomeratum。英名は Clustered bur-reed。
The Clustered bur-reed ( Sparganium glomeratum) belongs to the family Sparganiaceae. It is a perennial herb that is widely distributed from the Chubu region of Honshu north to Hokkaido, and the cold regions of the northern hemisphere. It grows from mountainous to subalpine wetlands and can reach 40-60 cm in height. The stems are columnar and upright, and the leaves are broad and linear and alternate. From July to August, it is borne 1 to 2 male inflorescences on the upper part of the stem and 3 to 4 female inflorescences just below it. The Japanese name is a small spherical aggregate fruit that looks like a chestnut.