たにそば (谷蕎麦)

Persicaria nepalensis

Persicaria nepalensis

Persicaria nepalensis

Persicaria nepalensis

Persicaria nepalensis

タデ科イヌタデ属の一年草で、学名は Persicaria nepalensis。英名は Nepalese smartweed。 
The Nepalese smartweed (Persicaria nepalensis) belongs to Polygonaceae (the Knotweed family). It is an annual herb that is distributed in various parts of Japan, the Korean Peninsula, China, Asia, and North Africa. It is also naturalized in the eastern part of the United States. It grows in slightly damp areas of the mountains and can reach 10-40 cm in height. The stems are hairless and often dark red, branching to form communities. The leaves are ovate to rhombic, with wide wings on the petioles and a wide base that embraces the stem. From August to October, racemes are borne on the tips of branches and axils, and small white to pink flowers bloom. 
[上・中1] 長野県塩尻市広丘「高ボッチ高原」にて、2005年09月21日撮影。
[中2・中3] 滋賀県米原市上野「伊吹山」にて、2006年09月09日撮影。
[下] 長野県伊那市長谷黒河内「南アルプス林道」にて、2006年09月22日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro