たにたで (谷蓼) [Index] [Back]

Circaea erubescens

Circaea erubescens

Circaea erubescens

わが国の各地をはじめ、台湾や中国、サハリン南部に分布しています。山地の湿った場所に生え、高さは20〜50センチになります。茎や葉は赤みを帯びます。葉は長卵形で対生し、縁には波状の鋸歯があります。7月から9月ごろ、茎頂に総状花序をだし、白色から淡紅色の小さな花を咲かせます。花は花弁、萼片、雄しべともに2個です。果実は卵球形の堅果で、かぎ状の毛が密生します。台湾華語では「台灣露珠草」、中国語では「谷蓼(gu liao)」と呼ばれます。
アカバナ科ミズタマソウ属の多年草で、学名は Circaea erubescens。英名はありません。
The "Tani-tade" (Circaea erubescens) belongs to Onagraceae (the Evening primrose family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed over Japan, Taiwan, China and southern Sakhalin. This herb grows in mountane wet places and can reach 20-50 cm in height. The stems and leaves are tinged reddish. The leaves are long-ovate and arranged in opposte with wavy serrate edges. The racemes are borne on the stem apices and the white to pale rose pink, small flowers bloom in July to September. The corolla consists of two petals, two calyx lobes and two stamens. The fruits are egg-ball-shaped nuts and covered with dense hooked hairs. In Taiwanese Chinese, it is called "台灣露珠草" and "谷蓼" (gu liao) in Chinese.

Shu Suehiro