たいわんるりそう (台湾瑠璃草) [Index] [Back]

Cynoglossum lanceolatum var. formosanum

Cynoglossum lanceolatum var. formosanum

ムラサキ科オオルリソウ属の二年草で、学名は Cynoglossum lanceolatum var. formosanum。英名はありません。
"Taiwan-ruriso" (Cynoglossum lanceolatum var. formosanum) belongs to Boraginaceae (the Borage family). It is a biennial herb that is distributed from Kyushu, the Ryukyu Islands of Japan to Taiwan, southern China, India and Africa. This herb grows in mountain grasslands and can reach 30-50 cm in height. The plant is covered with short white hairs. The leaves are oblong and arranged in alternate with obtuse tips. The clusters are borne at the axils, and the white to pale bluish purple flowers bloom in July through August.

Shu Suehiro