たいわんししんらん (台湾石吊蘭) [Index] [Back]

Lysionotus apicidens

Lysionotus apicidens

イワタバコ科シシンラン属の常緑小低木で、学名は Lysionotus apicidens。英名はありません。
"Taiwan shishin-ran" ( Lysionotus apicidens) belong to Gesneriaceae (the African violet family). It is an evergreen shrub that is distributed to Okinawa Islands of the Ryukyu Islands in Japan, as well as Taiwan. This shrub is an epiphyte that usually grows on the tree trunks and rocks in mountains, and can reach 30-50 cm in height. The leaves are elliptic, serrated and arranged in opposite. The pale rose pink tinged, white tubular flowers bloom from July to September. The upper lips are divided into 2 lobes and lower lips are 3 lobed. It is a related species of "Shishin-ran" (Lysionotus paucifloru) that is distributed westward from Chubu district of Honshu to Kyushu.

Shu Suehiro