たかねすみれ (高嶺菫) [Index] [Back]

Viola crassa

Viola crassa

Viola crassa

Viola crassa

スミレ科スミレ属の多年草で、学名は Viola crassa。英名はありません。
The "Takane-sumire" (Viola crassa) belongs to Violaceae (the Viola family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed in the high mountains of Tohoku region in Honshu, Japan. It grows on gravel and can reach 5-10 cm in height. It spreads on the rhizome and grows in clusters. The leaves are kidney-shaped to round, shiny and thick. The yellow flowers come in mid-June to early July. The feature is that the upper petals and the lateral petals upward and there are protruding hairs on the stigma.

Shu Suehiro