てんだいうやく (天台烏薬) [Index] [Back]

Lindera strychnifolia

Lindera strychnifolia

Lindera strychnifolia

クスノキ科クロモジ属の常緑低木で、学名は Lindera strychnifolia。英名は Uyaku。
The Uyaku (Lindera strychnifolia) belongs to Lauraceae (the Laurel family). It was introduced into Japan in the middle days of Edo Era (about 300 years ago). This tree is bushy, and can reach about 5 m in height. The leaves are broad-ovate, strong glossy with conspicuous three parallel-veins. It is dioecious. The several pale yellow flowers bloom in the axils from March to April. The fruits are round berries, about 1 cm across, and ripen black in fall. The roots are used in a herbal medicine to treat stomach.

Shu Suehiro