
マツ科モミ属の常緑高木で、学名は Abies sachalinensis。英名は Sakhalin fir、Todo fir。
The Sakhalin fir (Abies sachalinensis) belongs to Pinaceae (the Pine family). It is a tall evergreen tree that is native to Hokkaido in Japan, the southern Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. This tree can be found most easily in Hokkaido. This tree can reach 20-30 m in height, and its crown is cone. The leaves are linear, soft and glossy with bilobat tips. They have white stomatal bands on the rear surfaces. The timbers are used for architectures, equipments or wood pulps. The Japanese name comes from the Ainu word "Totorop".
[上・中1〜2] 長野県松本市内田「県林業総合センター」にて、2005年05月22日撮影。 [中3・下] 茨城県つくば市「つくば実験植物園」にて、2009年09月19日撮影。