
タコノキ科ツルアダン属の常緑蔓性木本で、学名は Freycinetia formosana。英名はありません。
"Tsuru-adan" (Freycinetia formosana) belongs to Pandanaceae (the Screwpine family). It is an evergreen woody vine that is distributed from the Southwest Islands, the Ogasawara Islands south to Taiwan and the Philippines. This vine grows in coastal rainforests and can reach up to 10 m long. Leaves are linear, 40-60 cm in length and fascicled on the top of stems. It is dioecism. Inconspicuous flowers come on the terminal spadix with yellowish white bracts. Fruits are columnar aggregates and ripen red in winter. In Taiwanese Mandarin, "山露兜".