The "Tsuru-denda" (Polystichum craspedosorum) belongs to the family Dryopteridaceae. It is an evergreen fern that is distributed not only in various parts of Japan, but also in the Korean Peninsula, China, and eastern Russia. It grows on slightly moist rocks and slopes in the mountains, and is about 20 cm high. It usually grows in clusters. The leaves are once pinnatly compounds, and the rachis and petioles are slightly densely covered with brown scales. The pinnae usually have 20 to 35 pairs and are ovate-oblong. The tip of the rachis grows long and produces asexual buds. The sporangia (solus) is lined up in a row from the edge, and the indusia are large circle. In Chinese, it is called "華北耳蕨" (hua bei er jue).