モクセイ科ソケイ属の落葉蔓性木本で、学名は Jasminum volubile。英名は Wax jasmine、Stiff jasmine。
The Wax jasmine (Jasminum volubile) belongs to Oleaceae (the Olive family). It is an evergreen shrub that is native to Australia. This shrub grows in the edge of tropical rainforests. It may reach 2 m in height, but it can climb with stems to 10 m long. The leaves are ovate to lanceolate, dark shiny green on the upper surfaces. The fragrant white star-like flowers bloom year round with very abundant blooms in late spring and early summer. The fruit is a black shining berry, around 10 mm in diameter.
アメリカ・フロリダ州「フロリダ植物園」にて、2011年05月16日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)