フトモモ科ユーカリ属の常緑高木で、学名は Eucalyptus pellita。英名は Large-fruited red mahogany。
The Large-fruited red mahogany (Eucalyptus pellita) belongs to Myrtaceae (the Myrtle family). It is a tall evergreen tree that is distributed in the eastern part of Australia, from Queensland to New South Wales. It grows in coastal forests and grows 7 to 30 m tall. The bark is brown to reddish brown and splits into strips. The leaves are lanceolate to broadly lanceolate and glossy green. Umbels are produced from the leaf axils, and 3 to 7 white to cream-colored flowers are borne. The fruits are hemispherical to conical. The wood is used for flooring and construction.
オーストラリア・ニューサウスウェールズ州「カンバーランド州有林」にて、2006年05月27日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)