
ブナ科クリ属の落葉高木で、学名は Castanea sativa。英名は Sweet chestnut。
The Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) belongs to Fagaceae (the Beech family). It is a tall deciduous tree that is native to southern Europe and Asia Minor, and widely cultivated throughout the temperate world. It produces an edible seed, the chestnut, which has been used in cooking since ancient times. This tree grows to 20-35 m in height with a trunk often 2 m in diameter. The bark often has a retiform (net-shaped) pattern. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, 16-28 cm long and 5-9 cm broad. The flowers of both sexes are borne in 10-20 cm long, upright catkins, the male flowers in the upper part and female flowers in the lower part. The female flowers develop into spiny cupules containing 3-7 brownish nuts that are shed during October.
[上・中1] イギリス・リッチモンド・アポン・テムズ「キューガーデン」にて、2018年06月22日撮影。(photo by Jouette Travis) [中2・中3] ポルトガル・セントロ地方・アウヴェヤズルにて、2018年07月14日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji) [中4] 同上にて、2018年07月17日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji) [中5・下] ポルトガル・セントロ地方・レイリア市にて、2023年09月13日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)