
Justica cv. Fruit cocktail

Justica cv. Fruit cocktail

Justica cv. Fruit cocktail

キツネノマゴ科キツネノマゴ属の常緑小低木で、学名は Justica cv. Fruit cocktail。英名は Justicia 'Fruit cocktail'。
The Justicia 'Fruit cocktail' belongs to Acanthaceae (the Acanthus family). It is an evergreen shrub. The genus Justicia is widely distributed in North America and the tropics. The leaves are elliptic and opposite, with tubular flowers with prominent bracts. This species is a cultivar, and the shade of yellow-green bracts and bright red petals looks like a fruit cocktail. I like sunny places, and when planting in pots, the height is 30 to 50 cm. If the temperature is 15 ℃ or higher, it will bloom all year round.

Shu Suehiro