やくしまつばき (屋久島椿) [Index] [Back]

Camellia japonica var. macrocarpa

Camellia japonica var. macrocarpa

Camellia japonica var. macrocarpa

Camellia japonica var. macrocarpa

ツバキ科ツバキ属の常緑高木で、学名は Camellia japonica var. macrocarpa。英名はありません。 
"Yakushima-tsubaki" (Camellia japonica var. macrocarpa) belongs to Theaceae (the Tea family). It is a small evergreen tree that is native to Yaku Island and the Okinawa Islands. This tree grows in montane forests and can reach 5-6 m in height. The leaves are oblong, leathery and alternate with acute tips. The dark rose pink flowers bloom at the terminal axils from February to April. The fruits are globose capsules, 5-6 cm in diameter, with very thick spongy rind. 
[上・中1] 岩手県大船渡市「世界の椿館・碁石」にて、2016年02月06日撮影。
[中2・下] 同上にて、2021年02月28日撮影。

Shu Suehiro