やまい (山藺) [Index] [Back]

Fimbristylis subbispicata

Fimbristylis subbispicata

Fimbristylis subbispicata

Fimbristylis subbispicata

Fimbristylis subbispicata

わが国の各地をはじめ、台湾や朝鮮半島、中国、ベトナムに分布しています。日当たりのよい湿地に生え、密に叢生して、高さは10〜60センチになります。稈は直立して、葉は線形で細くてやや硬く、幅は1ミリほどあり、無毛です。基部の葉鞘は褐色を帯びます。7月から10月ごろ、茎頂に花序をだします。花序はふつう1個の小穂で、基部に苞葉の葉身が1個つきます。果実は広倒卵形の痩果です。和名は、山に生える「いぐさ(藺草)」ということから。台湾華語では「水蔥」、中国語では「双穗飄拂草(shuang sui piao fu cao)」と呼ばれます。
カヤツリグサ科テンツキ属の多年草で、学名は Fimbristylis subbispicata (syn. Fimbristylis tristachya var. subbispicata)。英名はありません。
The "Yama-i" (Fimbristylis subbispicata) belongs to Cyperaceae (the Sedge family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed throughout Japan, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, China, and Vietnam. It grows in dense clusters in sunny marshy areas and is 10 to 60 cm tall. The culms are erect, and the leaves are linear, thin, somewhat stiff, about 1 mm wide, and hairless. The basal sheathing stalk is brownish. The inflorescences are produced at the top of the stem from July to October. The inflorescence is usually a single spikelet with a single bract leaflet at its base. The fruit is a broadly ovate achene. The Japanese name comes from "rush", which grows in the mountains. It is called "水蔥" in Taiwanese Chinese and "双穗飄拂草" 'shuang sui piao fu cao) in Chinese.

Shu Suehiro