
ベンケイソウ科イワレンゲ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Orostachys japonicus f. polycephalus。英名はありません。
"Yatsu-gashira" (Orostachys japonicus f. polycephalus) belongs to Crassulaceae (the Orpine family). It is an evergreen herb that is distributed from Chugoku region of Honshu to Kyushu in Japan. It is a variety of "Tsumerenge" and grows on rocks in warm regions. The leaves are fleshy and form a rosette about 5 cm in diameter. From October to November, the flower stalks grow from the center of the rosette and white flowers bloom in long racemes. The Japanese name comes from the fact that it spreads out with many stolons.